Meet The Herbal Pharmacist

But, actually David Foreman prefers the term "Natural Pharmacist.  He stopped by Food Talk For Health with Tonia King to talk more about what it is he actually does.  First and foremost, David told Tonia he understands pharmacology, since he is by training, an actual pharmacist.  That gives him a unique insight into what various supplements actually accomplish with your body.  As for what he tells people to eat, David says whole foods, like fruits, vegetables and nuts are key.  But a key difference between him and many other nutritionists, is that David is NOT a vegetarian.  He says lean proteins are the best way to go, things like chicken and fish, that contain a lot of vital protein.


One interesting insight that Tonia discussed with David, is the issue of disease and obesity here in the United States.  David does think a big reason for it, is because convenience foods, which are arguably the most accessible foods, are simply not very good for you. A big reason for that, David argues, is
the wrong perception of cost.  He thinks people tend to gravitate toward processed foods because they believe they're cheaper.  But David told Tonia that in-season fruits and vegetables can be just as cost effective if you buy them at the right time, which is to say right before they expire.

Yet, that doesn't mean you have to eat clean food all the time. David readily admits, when he goes to a ballgame or travels, he goes right ahead and orders a hot dog or a beer!  But the key, he doesn't do it every day. For those who have health problems, he thinks it's more of an issue.

Carbs and starch can be an enemy to your body, but David says, that by following a few simple steps, you can really reduce the negative impact on your body.  David gave Tonia a few examples.

Rice-For every cup of rice you cook, use 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, put the rice with coconut oil in a refrigerator for 12 hours and reheat.  It decreases the calorie count by 60-percent.  The reason, it makes it more resistant to digestion

Bread-Freeze it, then put it directly in the toaster, you can lower the glycemic score.

Pizza and Pasta-Before you eat it, take a Phase 2 supplement, which is made of white kidney bean extract.  It acts as a starch blocker.  It will block up to 60-percent of the starch from being digested.

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